For my LED sign project I made a new programming language called LED to simplify the creation of LED sign content.
The programming language is mixture of BASIC and Assembler made up of a few keywords, some variables, user definable characters/graphics and a display buffer which is automatically scanned and put on the sign’s display.
Variables available: letters A to Z each containing a value from 0 to 255 (8 bits) assign with:
- LET var value
Loop constructs:
- DO
- ….
- WHILE var
Conditional execution:
- IF var
- ….
Display synchronization:
- WAIT num
- CALL label
Real time clock functions:
- HOURS num
- DATE num
- MONTH num
- YEAR num
- TIMEAT var
- DATEAT var
- ONTIME label
- ONDATE label
User defined characters/graphics (32 available character codes)
- UDG code (0-31) followed by 6 bytes data in hex or decimal
Output function:
- PRINTAT var string
- OFFSET var
Movement functions:
Logic functions:
- AND var var
- OR var var
- XOR var var
Arithmetic functions:
- ADD var var
- SUB var var
- INC var
- DEC var
Display memory manipulation:
- PEEK var address
- POKE var address
Nested loops and IF/ENDIF are possible.
Labels are words directly followed by a colon:
- my_subroutine:
Comments can be placed after // like
PRINTAT X “Hello world!” // emit some text
Some sample code:
LET A 10 // assign 10 to variable A
PRINTAT A “Offset 10 pixels from the left”
WAIT 100 // wait for 100 screen refreshes
LET D 60 // assign 60 to D
DO // start loop
SCROLL_LEFT // move display left
WAIT 1 // wait for screen refresh
CALL mysubroutine // call a subroutine
WHILE D // until D is zero
DEC D // decrement D
The tokenizer to create a binary for uploading to the sign is available in C and Java.